Tuesday, March 26, 2013


There is an upcoming Edcamp event on April 27th in Chicago for those of you looking for some nearby professional development opportunities.   I have yet to attend an Edcamp session but they sound like a great experience if you are looking to get some new creative ideas.  Below is a summary of what to expect from an Edcamp session.  If you are interested in participating in an event check out the calendar .

Vision: Promoting organic, participant-driven professional development for K-12 educators worldwide.

Mission:  To support free edcamp unconferences for educators to exchange ideas and learn together. Edcamps are:
  • free
  • non-commercial and conducted with a vendor-free presence
  • hosted by any organization interested in furthering the edcamp mission
  • made up of sessions that are determined on the day of the event
  • events where anyone who attends can be a presenter
  • reliant on the “law of two feet” that encourages participants to find a session that meets their needs