Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chrome conflicts

I often hear from students about problems they are having with their browsers, this is most frequently experienced by Chrome users.  The students love Chrome and I'd say it is our most popular browser on campus.  When students have problems with Chrome I usually must advise them to use another browser and see if the issue remains, most of the time it is browser specific and the problem is Chrome.  Unfortunately, troubleshooting Chrome issues has not been very fruitful.  However, last week a teacher started having an issue with Chrome and she wants to continue using chrome so while doing a little research I came across a troubleshooting tip for Windows users.  If you type chrome:conflicts into your Chrome URL you will see all the Modules and it will list if there is a conflict.  That would be the first place to start identifying your issues.  I will continue to post resolved issues with Chrome, this is just the start.