Monday, November 4, 2013

OSX Mavericks

OSX Mavericks is out and for the first time Apple is issuing an OSX upgrade for free.  The release of this could be problematic for us as an educational institution for two reasons:  first, the release comes at a time when the faculty and students already have their laptops and there is no time to test and troubleshoot the OSX before it may be deployed by some;  second, this release is free so more students and faculty maybe inclined to upgrade without thinking of the consequences.

So far, we have not seen any problems but I have cautioned the students against upgrading at this point.  Here is a handy list,, detailing some applications that might or might not run once you upgrade.  I was most concerned about the Shockwave Player compatibility since we use Explore Learning Gizmos in every division, and Shockwave Player is required to run the simulations.  Luckily, it seems the issues reside with 11.5 but I have had no problems on my Mac Book Pro.  Although it is not mentioned in the list we have also seem problems with older versions of Smartboard so it is advised to upgrade to version 11.0.  Fingers crossed, hoping we do not see other issues.